# Leads API

The Leads API is a Bulk API that provides only two endpoints, one to get existing leads from KPro Marketing and another to import new leads to KPro Marketing from other sources. As it is a bulk API you can import several leads in a single request.

# On this page

# Get leads

The endpoint to get leads from KPro Marketing is:

GET to /api/bulk/open/leads

Remember you need to pass the QueryString parameter api_key with your API key to get access to the resources.

# Export payload

All responses are JSON encoded, and as they are paginated, the data is contained into an envelope:

  "data": [items],
  "pagination": {
    "currentPage": 2, // current page number
    "perPage": 10,    // number of items to be shown per page
    "total": 212,     // total number of items
    "from": 11,       // number of the first item in the result
    "to": 20,         // number of the last item in the result  
    "lastPage": 23,   // last page number
  "links": {
    "first": "url to the first page",
    "prev": "url to the previous page",
    "next": "url to the next page",
    "last": "url to the last page",

where items is the collection of leads. Each lead is an object with the following fields:

Field name Type Nullable Description
id number false Lead reference in KPro Marketing
externalRef string true Lead external reference if added from an external source
housingProvider object false Housing provider details
listing object true Listing details
development object true Development details when applicable
property object true Property details when applicable
site object false Object with the id, code and name of the source the lead came in from
source object true When it's a client custom source, an object with the id, name of the source the lead came in from
eligibilityStatus string false passed, considered, incomplete, not-checked or failed
customerId number false Customer reference in KPro Marketing. Note that the same customer can have multiple enquiries.
email string false E-mail address
title string true Title
firstName string true Given and middle name
lastName string true Family name
fullName string true Concatenation of given, middle and family name
phone string true Phone number
dateOfBirth string true Date of birth using the format YYYY-MM-DD
livingCircumstance object true Object with the id and name of the customer living circumstance
homeAddress string true Address where the customer lives
homePostcode string true Postcode where the customer lives
homeLocalAuthority string true Local authority where the customer lives.
workingCircumstance object true Object with the id and name of the customer working circumstance
workAddress string true Address where the customer works
workPostcode string true Postcode where the customer works
workLocalAuthority string true Local authority where the customer works.
occupation string true Occupation
employerName string true Employer name
annualHouseholdIncome number true Annual household income
deposit number true Deposit or savings
dependants number true Total of dependants
eligibleCitizen boolean true The customer has British, EU/EEA citizen or have indefinite leave to remain
firstTimeBuyer boolean true The customer is a first time buyer
homeOwnershipStatus number true Number from 1 to 4 that gives extra information about the Home ownership status, useful for Shared ownership properties
armedForcesMember boolean true The customer is a member of the armed forces
hasDisability boolean true The customer has any known disability
keyworker boolean true The customer is a key worker
housingWaitingList boolean true The customer is in the council waiting list
buyingInterestPeriod object true Object with the id and name of the customer interest period to buy
additionalInfo string true Additional information
hearAboutUs string true Free text on how the customer heard about the housing provider properties
enquiryType string true Enquiry type code, when applicable
updatedAt string false ATOM format Date-time when the lead was updated
createdAt string false ATOM format Date-time when the lead was created

# Housing provider details

Field name Type Nullable Description
id number false Housing provider reference in KPro Marketing
name string false Housing provider name
slug string false The unique identifying text for the housing provider used in URLs

# Listing details

Field name Type Nullable Description
id number false Listing reference in KPro Marketing
externalRef string true Listing external reference, if provided
name string false Listing name
availabilityStatus string false Coming soon, For Sale, Sale Under Offer, Sold, ...
schemeGroup string false Shared ownership, Discounted market sale, ...
schemes array false Array with the schemes codes, usually only one, but in some cases it could contain two, help-to-buy and first-dibs
Development object true When the listing advertise properties from a development, this object will contain the details of the development

# Development details

Field name Type Nullable Description
id number false Development reference in KPro Marketing
externalRef string true Development external reference, if provided
name string false Development name
building string true Building name if applicable
street string true Street name
postcode string false Postcode
town string true Town

# Property details

Field name Type Nullable Description
id number false Property reference in KPro Marketing
externalRef string true Property external reference, if provided
propertyNumber string true Property number when it belongs to a development
name string true Independent unit name, when it does not belong to a development
newBuild boolean false If it is a new build or not, when it belongs to a development it is always true
bedrooms number false Total of bedrooms
bathrooms number false Total of bathrooms

# Local authority details

Field name Type Nullable Description
id number false Local authority reference in KPro Marketing
name string false Local authority name
slug string false The unique identifying text for the local authority used in URLs
longName string false Local authority name including the type of Council, i.e. Borough Council
mapitId number true Local authority reference in Mapit

# Available sources

New sources might be added in the future.

Id Code Name
1 KZ Keaze
2 HFL Homes For Londoners
3 ZPL Zoopla
4 RM Rightmove
5 STB Share to Buy
6 API KPro Marketing API
7 NHFS New Homes For Sale
8 FC Full Circle
14 HTBS Help To Buy Agent 3
17 99H 99home
20 OTM On The Market
22 HTB2 Help To Buy Agent 2
30 EA Estate Agent
32 TEL Telephone
33 EMAIL Email
34 WALK Walk In
35 FBAD Facebook Ad
36 IGAD Instagram Ad
37 LIAD LinkedIn Ad
38 TWAD Twitter Ad
41 OTHER Other

# Schemes list

Code Name
shared-ownership Shared ownership
help-to-buy Help to Buy
first-dibs First Dibs
discounted-market-sale Discounted market sale
private-sale Private sale
london-living-rent London living rent
discount-market-rent Discounted market rent
rent-to-buy Rent to Buy (Outside London)
private-rent Private rent

# Possible home ownership status values

Id Description
1 First time buyer
2 Do not own a property at the moment
3 Own a property but it is currently in a selling process
4 Own one or more properties

# Enquiry types


# Filtering

The API provides several fields that can be used to filter the results:

  • createdAt: the timestamp when the lead was created.
  • eligibilityStatus: the eligibility status, one of these possible values: passed, considered, incomplete, failed
  • site.id: the portal or platform id the lead came in from. See below the list of all possible values.
  • site.code: the portal or platform code the lead came in from. See below the list of all possible values.
  • site.name: the portal or platform name the lead came in from. See below the list of all possible values.

and several operators to be used in conjunction with the fields:

  • not: not equal
  • gt: greater than (for numbers, date and timestamps)
  • lt: less than (for numbers, date and timestamps)
  • gte: greater than or equal to (for numbers, date and timestamps)
  • lte: less than or equal to (for numbers, date and timestamps)
  • ltt: less than tomorrow's date, useful for datetime or timestamp fields when the filter value is a date without the time component
  • in: in a list of values separated by commas
  • notin: not in a list of values separated by commas

Operators should be placed after the fields, separated by a dot (.). When multiple filters are specified, the AND logic operator will be used (except when using square brackets at the end of the parameter name to replace in and notin operators). When no operator is specified for a filter, the usual equal comparison is applied.

In order to filter dates and timestamps, use the ISO date format YYYY-MM-DD for dates, and if you want to include hours and minutes, use YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm. Notice that in all cases, UTC date/time is used.


  • To get leads created between 01-Mar-2021 and 10-Mar-2021, inclusive. Notice as the createdAt field is a timestamp, you should use the operator ltt to include leads created at any time on 10-Mar-2021.


  • To get leads created between 11-Mar-2021 10:00 and 11:00, inclusive.

/api/bulk/open/leads?createdAt.gte=2021-03-11 10:00&createdAt.lte=2021-03-11 11:00

  • To get leads created on or after 01-Mar-2021 and coming from site id 1 or 2.


  • To get leads created on or after 01-Mar-2021 and where eligibility status is not incomplete or failed.


# Bracket option

Brackets can be used instead of values separated by commas to replace the operators in and notin.


  • site.id[]=1&site.id[]=2 is the same as site.id.in=1,3
  • site.id.not[]=1&site.id.not[]=2 is the same as site.id.notin=1,3

# Sorting

By default results are sorting by createdAt descending, but you can change it by using parameter sort and the field of fields you want to sort by, separated by comma, as the value. Fields are sorted ascending, but you use the minus symbol (-) in front of any of fields to change the order to descending.

Example, to sort first by site.id descending, and then by createdAt also descending, use: sort=-site.id,-createdAt

# Pagination

Results are paginated based on parameters page (page number, optional, default is 1) and size (maximum number of records to return per page, optional, default is 100, maximum possible value is 1000).

# Importing leads

To import leads into KPro Marketing, issue a POST to /api/bulk/open/leads.

# Import payload

The payload must be JSON encoded, and as this is a bulk API, it must be an object with the field data, which value must be an array containing all the leads you want to import as json objects, no matter if it is only one lead or several.

  "data": [leads to import],

For every lead, only the email address is mandatory. You should only include the fields that exist in your system, although null values are permitted for all of the other fields.

Field name Type Description
externalRef string | integer External reference, useful to check if the lead was already imported. Maximum length must not exceed 255 characters.
email string Customer e-email address: mandatory
sendEmailConfirmation boolean Boolean to specify if when the lead has been imported, an email should be sent to the customer on behalf of the Housing Provider. If not present or null it is considered false
siteId number Identifier in KPro Marketing of the site used as source
title string Customer title
firstName string Given names
lastName string Family name
phone string Phone number
dateOfBirth string Date of birth using the format YYYY-MM-DD
annualHouseholdIncome number Annual household income
deposit number Deposit or savings
livingCircumstance number Integer matching one of the id value in the list of Living Circumstances
homePostcode string Home post code. Valid UK postcode
homeAddress string Home address
dependants number Integer indicating the total of dependants, it could be zero
workingCircumstance number Integer matching one of the id value in the list of Working Circumstances
workPostcode string Work post code. Valid UK postcode.
workAddress string Work address
occupation string Occupation
employerName string Employer name
armedForcesMember boolean Boolean to specify if the customer is a member of the armed forces
keyworker boolean Boolean to specify if the customer is a key worker
hasDisability boolean Boolean to specify if the customer has any known disability
housingWaitingList boolean Boolean to specify if the customer is in the council waiting list
firstTimeBuyer boolean Boolean to specify if the customer is a first time buyer
homeOwnershipStatus number Number from 1 to 4 that gives extra information about the Home ownership status, useful for Shared ownership properties
eligibleCitizen boolean Boolean to specify if the customer has British, EU/EEA citizen or have indefinite leave to remain
additionalInfo string Any additional information
listingId number Reference of the listing in KPro Marketing
listingExternalRef string Listing reference in your system. For KPro Marketing to be able to identify the listing when you include this value, listings should have been previously updated with your system's references
propertyId number Reference of the property in KPro Marketing
propertyExternalRef string Property reference in your system. For KPro Marketing to be able to identify the property when you include this value, properties should have been previously updated with your system's references
developmentId number Reference of the development in KPro Marketing. Only useful when the listing id and property id were not provided
bedrooms array Array containing the amount of bedrooms the customer is interested in, example: [2,3]
hearAboutUs string Free text on how the customer heard about the housing provider properties
enquiryType string Enquiry type based on possible values from the list, example: "new-build"


It is important to include the externalRef field to every lead in the the payload, to avoid KPro Marketing adding leads twice in case some of them are included in another request.

# Living Circumstances

Id Description label
1 Renting privately
2 London living rent
3 Home owner
4 Housing benefits
5 Council tenant
6 Living in armed forces accommodation
7 A housing association tenant
8 Living with friends or family

# Working Circumstances

Id Description label
1 Not working - disabled
2 Not working - Looking after children
3 Not working - retired
4 Other
5 Student
6 Unemployed
7 Working full time
8 Working part-time
9 Self employed

# Example

Only include fields that your system uses. If you system is able to provide information about the listings and/or the properties, include one or both fields if possible. You can provide KPro Marketing Identifiers or your system references if they have been previously updated in KPro Marketing.

  "data": [
      "externalRef": "I65473",
      "email" : "john.smith1990@gmail.com",
      "sendEmailConfirmation": false,
      "siteId": 6,

      "title": "Mr",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "phone": "07987 654 321",
      "dateOfBirth": "1990-11-21",
      "annualHouseholdIncome": 40000,
      "deposit": 12000,

      "livingCircumstance": 1, // Renting privately
      "homePostcode": "NW11 7HB",
      "homeAddress": "17 Brick Lane",
      "dependants": 0,

      "workingCircumstance": 7, // Working full time
      "workPostcode": "W1W 7RG",
      "workAddress": "36-38 Mortimer St",
      "occupation": "Sales Manager",
      "employerName": "Keaze",

      "armedForcesMember": false,
      "keyworker": false,
      "hasDisability": false,
      "housingWaitingList": false,
      "firstTimeBuyer": true,
      "homeOwnershipStatus": 1,
      "eligibleCitizen": true,

      "hearAboutUs": "Google search",
      "additionalInfo": "...",

      "listingId": null,
      "listingExternalRef": "L-34523",
      "propertyId": null,
      "propertyExternalRef": "P-67932",
      "developmentId": null,
      "bedrooms": [2,3]

# Errors

If there is any validation error in any of the leads, no record will be added and the API will respond with HTTP code 422, and an object with attributes message and errors. Message will contain a general description of the error, and errors will contain a collection of objects for every lead that failed, with two fields: customerEmail and errors, the first one with the customer email of the lead, and the second one the list of errors related to each parameter that failed the validation.