# Introduction

The inventory is one of the key concepts in KPro Marketing and it was build with the intention you can use it as your central stock for all your properties, no matter if they are new build or resales, focused on the sale or on the rent market.

While many of the platforms list the properties directly on portals by adding some extra descriptions and images, in KPro Marketing we do things slightly different. The inventory module was conceived to manage your stock of properties, and to make them visible on portals, you need to create listings that can be archived once you sell or rent them.

Inventory is divided in two sections: Development and Independent units.

Developments to manage all your new developments, allowing you to group all the properties under the same development for a better management and advertising them in a single listing.

Independent units are intended for properties that you want to manage independently (not as part of a development) or are resale properties. When you have development properties that you want to resale, they are automatically moved to this section without needing to create them again, while keeping a tracked bond to its original development.

Development properties and Independent units share most of the fields, the only difference is that for Development properties it's used a property number and for Independent units a property name, and for Independent units you always need to specify the address field, while in the case of Development properties you can choose to use the development address.

The platform proposes different ways to load your inventory:

# Properties and Schemes

Properties must always be assigned one of the group of schemes available in KPro Marketing, and although it is not common to have properties with different schemes in the same development, this is completely possible, but it is important to notice that in those cases you will need to create different listings to advertise the Development, one per each different group of schemes of the properties in the Development. The main reason is that Listings can only advertise properties under the same group of schemes, and the properties to be advertised are assigned automatically based on the development and schemes.